by Vanessa Garza | Jul 6, 2022
Cosmetologist Administrative rules 16 Texas administrative code, chapter 83 (Effective January 1, 2016)
by acecontinuinge | Oct 5, 2021
Many chemicals used in the salon will bear labels that require the use of personal protection equipment such as gloves and safety glasses when working with products. However, some equipment, such as gloves, offer protection from exposure to pathogens an should be warm...
by acecontinuinge | Oct 5, 2021
Antiseptics (ant-ih-SEP-tiks) are chemical germicide formulated for use on the skin and are registered and regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Antiseptics generally contain a high volume of alcohol, and these products are intended to reduce the...
by acecontinuinge | Oct 5, 2021
Properly washing your hands is one of the most important actions you can take to prevent spread of germs from one person to another. Proper hand washing removes germs from the folds and grooves of the skin and from under the free edge of nail plate by lifting and...
by acecontinuinge | Oct 5, 2021
That dispensary must be kept clean and orderly, with the contents of all containers clearly marked. Always store products according to the manufacturer’s instructions and always from heat and out of direct sunlight. Keep the SDSs for products used in the salon...