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Improper Hand Washing – Hawaii Food Handlers Card

Apr 16, 2024 | Food Handler

Improper Hand Washing – Hawaii Food Handlers Card


When it comes to food safety, Hawaii places a strong emphasis on ensuring the well-being of both residents and visitors. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or just starting your culinary journey, prioritizing food safety is non-negotiable in the Aloha State. Obtaining your Hawaii Food Handlers Card is essential. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of proper hand washing and explore why Ace Food Handler is the ideal choice for certification.

Improper Hand Washing: A Recipe for Disaster

Improper hand washing is a common culprit behind foodborne illnesses. Neglecting proper hygiene practices can lead to the spread of harmful bacteria and viruses. Here are some key points about hand washing:

  1. Correct Technique: Always use warm running water and soap. Scrub your hands thoroughly for at least 20 seconds, covering all surfaces—backs of hands, wrists, between fingers, and under fingernails.
  2. Common Causes of Foodborne Illnesses:
    • Inadequate Hand Washing: Skipping hand washing or not doing it correctly.
    • Working While Ill: Sick employees can contaminate food.
    • Cross Contamination: Transfer of harmful microorganisms from one surface to another.
    • Inadequate Cooking Temperatures: Undercooked food can harbor pathogens.
    • Inadequate Temperature Control: Improper storage temperatures allow bacteria to thrive.
  3. Danger Zone: The temperature range between 41°F and 135°F is considered the “danger zone.” Food left in this range can promote bacterial growth.
  4. Virus Spread: Hepatitis A can be transmitted by a worker who doesn’t wash their hands properly.

Why Choose Ace Food Handler?

When obtaining your Hawaii Food Handlers Card, consider the following reasons to choose Ace Food Handler:

  1. Seamless Learning Experience:
    • Interactive Courses: Ace Food Handler’s user-friendly platform offers engaging courses. Learn essential food safety principles at your own pace.
    • Quick Certification: Complete the 2-hour course on any device and receive your printed food handlers card. Certification is valid for 3 years.
  2. Expert-Backed Content:
    • ANSI Accreditation: Ace Food Handler’s courses hold ANSI accreditation, demonstrating your commitment to public health.
    • State Approved: Trusted by food handlers across the nation, the course aligns with Hawaii’s food safety requirements.
  3. Affordability: For just $10, you can obtain your Hawaii Food Handlers Card through Ace Food Handler.
  4. Career Opportunities: Having a valid food handlers card opens doors to employment in restaurants, cafeterias, and catering services.


By prioritizing proper hand washing and choosing Ace Food Handler for your Hawaii Food Handlers Card, you contribute to a safer food environment. Let’s keep Hawaii’s tables safe and healthy—one certification at a time! 🌟🧼🍽️

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